i can't say i'm not surprised, but what a pleasant surprise it is. The Nokia Nseries N900 is turning up in showing its might against all other brands of full touchscreen phones. Though it's not the 1st time Nokia gets its tablet flagship turn on for Linux, yet a Linux Based featuring Maemo 5 OS this time, the N900 is rather welcome and it's nice to see a high-end phone come earlier than expected for a change.

The Nokia Nseries N900 is the 1st Nokia phone with the proprietary Linux Maemo5 OS and also the 1st in the world for using it. Well, the Maemo5 OS seriously left us with brilliant and nice feelings while hoping for its successful adoption among third-party app developers.
Oh, and the impressive full browser(really full) support is something that you definitely need to see with your very own eyes. With an additional Flash 9.4 support, which enable Facebook gaming.
And did I mention the N900 is having a Nice 5MP Carl Zeiss Optics AF camera?
Currently the Nokia N900 retails for only about RM2499, which is a lil bit surprise for a Nokia Flagship phone duel to previous N9X series phones' prices(at least 3K). And I believe it's just the effect Nokia needs to popularize the Maemo5 OS.
Nokia Nseries
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