Was being brought to a factory that produces facial products from pearl. Listening to them briefing out their products..
"Our products are all in extreme good conditions! They are very good in the sense of whitening your face, exactly the same function as SK2. Lelong lelong... Buy 5 free 1." XD
Take a closer look, you will notice got so many tiny tiny pearls dropped from the oyster's shell...
Everybody was deciding whether to buy or not.. Lol, of course, at last still some of us, the rich one la... bought like one or two packs from them. Not cheap leh, counting on "K" one ok? No cash dun play play..
Later on we were brought to another factory, hrmm... this one was more like museum. The museum of teapots. They really invented lotsa nice and special teapots that aids us in making tea.. Amazing O.O Too bad I only have this single picture, 'cause they don't allow us to take picture inside. :(
In order to get to the bus, we have to move across this place which filled with lotsa different different boutiques stalls.

Bought "Long Xu Tang" here again, but it's not as nice as the one I bought that night... Boleh tahan la :)

Heading straight for our lunch next... Have no idea what this restaurant called. 365??

Anything la, really very hungry... As usual, beers were served ^^ I remember the dishes here weren't too bad. Yea.. we had great lunch here. :)

Ohh... I forgot to state our major place name in the beginning of my post. We are now officially at Shang Hai. ^^ Head straight to the city right after lunch... :D

This place was called... Err... something something square. Sorry I forgot :P Picture together...

Group picture :) Don't need to find, I wasn't in...

So this is the most crowded town in Shang Hai... Found different kinds of buildings here, mostly high and grand. People loiter around here one day is more than don't know how many times the people loiter at Bukit Bintang.. :S

Self-Snapping :P

Artistic shot of the buildings.. Love this shot.. ;)

For some reasons, we were heading towards a big shopping complex. Spotted Starbucks from the third floor. Can I have one please??

What we were looking for were, **Tadah**... Hehe, it's an ice rink called New World, located in this shopping complex. I have no idea from where my dad and brother saw this when we were still in the bus by passing this complex. LOL... but...

I can tell you, the ice rink is super duper damn small when compare to Malaysia's one. View the picture above, you might need to enlarge it... ^^ I have no intention to play anymore when I look at the price. It's Ren Min Bi 65 bucks, (RM32.50) per person per entry, and only one and a half hour... That means you gotta pay extra for the following hours... WTF!!

The whole complex was just selling shoes, clothing and handbags... Nothing special. While leaving, snapped this form the transparent lift.. What an amazing town!

Walked back to where we supposed to gather around... Before reaching, I stepped up to an elevated level ground, and snapped this... Look at the crowds buddy, scarily overcrowded..

Hahahahaha... while walking back, saw a sister was trying to help the brother in climbing up the stone, but the movement from the back looked damn wrong weiy.. LOL!!

All of us were gathering around... Waiting for our tour to bring us to the next destination, for dinner... ^^

On the way to a very special restaurant for dinner... We were wondering :D

Shang Hai is a real nice place, one of the most crowded state in the world...

All kinds of special buildings that preserves since the govern of British, so the Gothic styles design can still be seen clearly today... Mixing around with the modern buildings shows that their are outstanding... ^^

The restaurant is located besides this river... Which featuring a story in the history, I hope I still remember.. :P

**Tadah!!** Here we are... Alright, what so special about this shop houses?? Ok, in the 1800s when the British was still governing Shang Hai, they had real serious racial discrimination. This place, these shop houses along the river, were all stated with a signboard, saying "Dogs and Asians are strictly not allowed!!" That's why even until today, China citizens still remember the incident of how they were being bullied last time. A very meaningful place to dine in ^^

What an internal design... Nice, I love it... Of course, the dishes were great too ^^

I tell you, romantic people would sure like this place mad at night for sure. Take a look at the night scene ^^ I so wish she was there to witness all these with me :(

OMGosh... But what's best, are always at the back... ^^

We were heading to the port and got onto a boat which was gonna sail us along the borders of this great town. Prepare your "WAH!!" ya... :)

We waited for quite long for the boat to start sailing, but the scene from here also started Wah-ing already~ So we done some snapping here and chit-chatting around :D

Felt so relax, nice scene together with the chilling temperature... Love it ^^

Panorama shot... but not as nice as expected. =(

Oh yeah... We started sailing finally :) First shot.. splendid... More to come more to come ^^

Me :D I forgot who snapped this for me, but anyway... failed, blurry...

Yeah!! Family picture, a nice one ^^ Love this...

The whole gang of guys only ^^ Nice to have fun around with them :)

And the gang of only girls.. Haha.. from young to mature :)

LOL... in the midst of sailing, we were told that whoever scared of cold can go into the room prepared, but none of us did even though it's super damn cold 'cause sunset. All of us gathering at n outdoor lounge and started some magic shows and jokes.. So fun and relax... ^^ miss those moments now...

Hahahaha.. my dad saw the China flag and managed to stand like the precious communist leader Mr. Mou Zhe Dong. LOL... cute and funny XD

The left side of the night scene... Symbolizing Eastern Style

And this was the right side of the night scene... Symbolizing Western Style.

Me ^^ Mom snapped this for me if I wasn't mistaken... Love it.. :P

Me again :) Love the background lightning... The red color tower was the best. ^^

Few of these buildings were all surrounding the business areas of Shang Hai... They were the national banking main branches in China, lightnings were really awesome..

Mom.. Hers, the background is even better than mine. Clearly seen... Hehe, of course ler, I shoot this... :P

Personally like this picture the most :) It's the most awesome one among so many... :D Oh yeah, the red color tower is the tallest tower currently in Shang Hai, called "Dong Fang Ming Zhu". Very special, will make a review at it tomorrow :)

Heading to our fourth hotel so far, right after we got down from the boat...

Hehe... All of claimed that very lucky 'cause the hotel located within the town, can get food, drinks, or glossaries by just walking out. Very tired after the whole day of traveling, sleeping?? Not so fast... we are night owls.. :P

What I haven't got to try out this afternoon, I'm gonna try it now... Hehe ^^

It's almost cost the same as in Malaysia... But the thing is, the weather so cold there, when I told the Starbucks lady I want iced one, she stunned for a while and stared at me... Then only she make her move. Hahahaha... funny.. XD

Got nice drink, of course must go together with supper la... ^^ Barbecue seems to be the most common and well adopted roadside food in China. Love the feel of craving the food besides the road, when it's at night, wind blows strongly, and so cold... :~)

Went into the shopping complex nearby, I thought shops in China don't use to operate so late at night, but surprisingly they did... Just loitering around :)

Nothing much... well, they were closing too already. On the way back...

Haha... Dad and Mom outside the shopping complex wanting to take a picture with the artificial decorating castle. ^^

Before going back to hotel, we even further hang around the coffee and bakery shops outside... Lol, I bought drinks again together with breads, hehe... Fat la me :P

Chinese New Year period was the best and the worst when people started to launch their fireworks. Imagine it's just outside the window and it lasted for more than 1 hour... WTH!! How to sleep?? No choice la... I just online lo ^^ luckily I brought my laptop and everything... Also, luckily they have cable in every hotel :) But websites are sucks til max, banned so many pages. Ishh >.<
More to come...
Stay tune ya ^^
The Xiao Qi Gui :P