June 19th, Saturday... it was still within my school holiday period. Life during holidays wasn't fun as I'm desperately wanting to finish my school works as soon as possible. Furthermore I was suppose to be teaching wushu classes on weekends, yet, hehe.. i skipped, lost RM80 for not teaching. Well, who cares? I'ma going to Kampar with Neko to visit Anne. It's a promise, a long waited promise...
See? I fulfilled it... ('cause she don't believes in me at first) and it's not for this time only. ;)
I fetched Neko at her area early as 6:30am, and started into highway (was warned by my dad that don't ever take the narrow old road just to save that RM20). Look,
and 140km/h...
I've broke my record for driving my green baby up to 140km/h. Shhh... luckily Neko fell asleep, hehe... please dun let my day knows k? Surprisingly, the steering was all the way too steady, which proved my piano teacher and other friends saying, "Myvi 160km/h is a piece of cake." haha... no wonder another Myvi potong me while I was driving 140km/h. I was like, wth??
We reached Tapah after 1hr++, and start taking the old road to Kampar as my dad commanded. Hehe, taken around 20mins from Tapah to Kampar. Earlier than the time Anne expected we would use to arrive. She was still lingering on her bed... @_@. ZZZZZZZZZZZ....
It was the 1st time I've stepped into her rented room. OMG, it's kinda small, RM215 some more sharing with another roommate. A desk and mattress provided, with bathroom. That's where she used to do her works and sleep. By the way, thanks to the coffee Anne, which makes me stay awake for the whole day. It's nice... Her besties were having breakfast with us at the nearby restaurant, the Hong Kong style G ciong fun was yummy. That was the 1st time which I got to meet her besties, Zi Xian and Poh Suan. Nice to meet you two... Lol, apparently they were like kinda shy in front of me. Sorry for not making the 1st move to have a talk. My Bad...

The 3 of us, Anne, Neko, Kyuo... After breakfast with her besties at Hor Wan Lai restaurant...

On the way to Ipoh, I snapped this... Lol, guess who was driving? hehe...

**TADAH**, The driver of the day... She was like mentally unstable 'cause manual car seems like a challenge to her after quit driving for so long... But, see? She still so happy... +.+

The passenger...OMG, he scared like hell that day. Hehe... ^^

Kyuo, Neko at the back, and Anne... Adui the front car went so far liao some more playing with gears... later kena hon... lol

The back mirror, hehe, seldom see this kinda picture wan, it's nice, thanks to Neko. ^^

Lol... I was busy talking to my mom. The driver, Anne, at the side was sneering and said I L.I.E to my mom. Adui, I was not la... ;)
Seriously, Ipoh city isn't actually as "high-tech" as expected. It seems that we have sesat in the mid of the city that day because of those bloody signboards, which contains only roads' names. Suddenly, Anne shouted, "I saw something!!! It's The Store!!! What is The Store actually??" Haha, OMG, it's actually a super mart selling all kinda auntie stuffs. No choice then, we want air-con... juz take walk inside. A lot of pictures though... :)

Neko and Anne, having their wafer. It's kinda yummy, applied with jam...^^ nice

A = Apple = The Juicy Anne

Lol, keep snapping with my cam. Neko so cute, Anne with the fat face... haha

She was planning to participate the contest by snapping an interesting photo with any badges of Proton Saga model for winning prizes, and actually doing it... "Please NO, Anne... what if the alarm stimulated suddenly? I run..."

"Strictly No Parking a.k.a. 禁止泊车..." haha, a random shot from Anne..

Got a so-called "map" from the staffs at The Store, showing us the way to Ipoh Parade. It's not any better than the one Anne drawn to me, but at least we've got the way... ^^

I'm the driver now... on the unknown way to parkson. :)

Parkson!!! Finally... Here we come... ^^

Me and Anne in parkson... but I can't recall when was this taken.. isshh... I look hideous..

There was a competition choosing a Mr. Perak. Neko was all the way snapping these muscular guys... please la, Neko... they r so geli...

Anne was trying a mini skirt... she looks nice with it, but she didn't buy..

hehe... me and Neko... love this shot... ^^

Lol... Anne with a pink ear protection thingy. I know she loves it so much, cause it's in pink.. looks just nice when she puts it up..

at the food court wondering what to order...

Neko's food, looks so nice and yummy...

My food.. it's nice actually, with terriyaki source... but quite salty, guess is msg alot. Ordered from the same food store as Neko and Anne...

Finished the food... half full liao... but...

Hong Kong G cheong fun again... it's too full, my bad... i didn't know it will be that much.. >.<

There's still alooooott of photos to go as we have taken dozens of them... Well, that's all for tonight 1st. Will upload the rest on the coming related entry... have fun waiting and viewing ya. ^^ Like A Dream...
U copied my blog enrty~
While I brain storm to make my blogpost interesting...blek...mine is stil nicer...haha...
Lol..dun scare lar...in my life time driving so long...i havent langgar anything yet n I will not let it happen..jz not use to with ur car lar...i nvr drive myv b4 lar...
eiy ... i where got copy urs? it's memang from what i remember okayz? we were going together, so is similar la & since u got exactly the same photos as i do... aiks, dun compare. i always say urs is better than mine wut.
lol, memang scary wei.. haha, but ok la, at least u still can get used to it after hours of driving. drive more lo... ^^
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