Hey ya, I'm back. Due the exam that I had to make a week hiatus to my blog. It's a sigh that I couldn't tell it's a relief. Part of the sections were really rather tough, I screwed it >.< Might not be getting good results in that particular section. More details... it's called the CR(Critical Reading) which took 3 of the 10 sections. Well, the killer was, out of the 24 questions, 8 of them were sentence completions and each with 5 or 10 totally strange vocabularies choices given. The rest 16 questions were based on at least 2 or 3 long passages, which was so bloody time consuming to finish 'em. What I meant was just simply sweeping through without really well understanding what the passages were talking about. They were usually circumlocutions of the topic and won't go directly in what they wanna tell. By the way, we were only given 25 minutes. Imagine how we gonna used this 25 minutes to finish the 8 strange vocabularies sentence completions, 2 or 3 long passages, and16 questions from the passages... :S
Thus, a failure, because I left all of the vocabularies questions blank. Thought of a nice and easy way that I can have a good job in my handy part, writing section, yet, it's not as easy as I thought. 25 minutes for 35 questions, aiks... manage hard to finish most of them. Maths was the only one that I did well, perhaps okay-okay only. So far I found myself be able to finish most of them in time. Ishh... it's always the case, the part that I did well in the previous practice tests seems so difficult when it comes to the real one. Hate it... Surprisingly, I was shocked that I finished my essay before the 25 minutes time was called, since within the previous 20 practice essays, none of them was finished within 25 minutes. SEE~? The topic was: "Should people change themselves to adapt the new things and environments or should they not?" Maybe because the topic seemed kinda easy? I have no idea, but I just have lots of things to write in this given topic. Haha... thanks for the lucks wishing from all my friends.
Actually, the terms and conditions printed on the paper together on the admission ticket has lots of tips and reminders for us examinees. But I failed to follow most of them, like, sleeping early the night before exam, jog before going to the exam hall(for good blood-circulation's sake), have a nice breakfast, and bringing some snacks to eat during exam breaks. I didn't... I slept at 1:30am the night before, woke up pening-pening kepala, no breakfast at all, and no snacks also. Furthermore, I wasn't in good condition in the entire exam, stomachache... hate it.. All the in my bag pack was, another bottle of chicken essence. Haha, I told Anne and she laughed too... LOL

Well, sorry for the few pictures that I took, as during the exam phones and other electronic devices were strictly prohibited. I can't get to take more... But, it's really a nightmare to sit in the exam hall for like almost 5 hours. I suffocated... it's also a good experience, which in case if I have to re-sit it, I know what to prepare and what to avoid...
It's not all for the whole day, but only the morning...
Track my blog and stay tune for the afternoon...
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
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