February 26th, Saturday...
I slept kinda late last night, by setting the alarm to 10ish this morning but surprisingly I woke up earlier than that. Sigh, something happened yesterday was still bugging me, I know it would be irritating if I keep on apologizing :( But I just couldn't thought of any other word besides "Sorry" to express how bad I felt yesterday and now.
Allow me to say once again, I'm really sorry... for not understanding how you felt at first >.< I hate myself that sometimes I only thought it's not a problem to myself, and I failed to stand in your situation to think for you. T^T That you were actually worrying about my appearance there, I'll be alone. If I would have knew this, I would then never came out with so many "Whys?" ='(
You might use that to point at me and say, I didn't keep up with my promises. I admit it... it's because I don't want you to feel that I'm not that concern about you anymore like I always do. I don't want the words like "Nevermind", "It's ok", "Up to you", or "Suka hati you la" to come out from me and makes you feel you are left out of my heart. It happens once before when you warned me not to use these words to you again and I did promise myself I would never say them anymore.
Please~... I can guarantee that I still be able to keep up with whatever promises that I've and gonna make for you. They meant to be forever, ever since the first promise that I said I'd never ever forget about you and left you out when you left KL to somewhere so far for studies. You said I was gonna forget you within 3 months for not meeting you, but I promised I'm gonna keep you in mind forever. Please~~ I still keep all of them in my mind, none of them will be forgotten. Just that sometimes I'd make some common mistakes, like yesterday... Whenever I did, remind me lo :) Just don't stop me from promising anything for you k? I only promise when I know I can fulfill them, including giving you sufficient personal spaces and avoid bugging your life for asking WHY?. K? I swear... No next time after this ;) Just please don't lost your trust in me, I'm trying my best to show you I'm totally different from other guys you met, don't say don't know, you know me :) I will always keep my promises as long as I'm alive. Right?? Alright?? :)
Paiseh for what I did la, I'll tam you back lo... :P Don't get angry d ya.. :)
The Xiao Qi Gui T.T
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
China trip: First Day
February 2th, Wednesday...
Tell me how excited I was... Tell me how awesome it was... It's my first time going to China, some more it was during Chinese New Year period; going to the origin of where Chinese New Year was first being celebrated. What do you think about the feel? The strong CNY spirit I witness there regardless of only 1 or 2 angpaos received, and also the coldness just right after winter. Sorry that I couldn't make a review of how I prepared my things for the trip... Just try to brief them out a lil, well...
The most was that, I bought a black SODA inner sweater from Voir Gallery. She chose it for me and yea... I lurve it alot, pretty thxz to her ^^ lurve her :) Was kinda frustrated at the winter sweaters, I do have one but dad was like kept nagging me saying mine wasn't the appropriate one. Memang can tahan ok? Not much, what else? Arhh!! Yea, and of course, my DSLR :D (It went in to "Hospital"[service center] after the trip due to the invasion of dust. Dang it!!) Alright, the following pictures that you readers will be viewing, were all then from it... I was giving the best shot of the scenes. Appreciate ya... ^^
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen.. it's the pictures turn to present now. (*Beware, tons were coming up..)
Kinda thankful for borrowing me her oversize luggage, I thought it was too big to be carried around, but once again thanks that it's so huge, or else I wouldn't be able to stuff all the thick and heavy winter cloths in it. Lurve her ;) (Opps, I haven't returned it yet, paiseh :P) Well prepared?? Considered yet not!! But we leave our area around 4 in the morning...
To dad's friend's house area first, then only we got into a bus and headed on to KLIA. Breakfast there, nasi lemak (the rendang was awesome) :P Plain's boarding time was 7:30am...
Felt paiseh to say that I was a bit dizzy so long since the second time going to Thailand. Frankly, I salute this couple, they were so sweet, awww... >.< The 5 hours of flying was a nightmare, boredom invading and I can go nowhere. All most go phobia-ize... Just can't imagine how people can tahan flying to New York???
Forget about that well... We were finally here. Welcome to China airport :D Walking towards to our bus...
Here it is... Everyone was busying in putting their loads of stuffs into the bus. Was kinda glad that it's a totally new bus!! Yes... totally new!! We were the batch of tourists that were pretty lucky to be the first one to step in it... ^^
Dad and mom... Busy putting on their sweaters, 'cause it's seriously COLD~~ I assumed the temperature there was only around 6-7 degree Celsius, hear properly... IN DAY TIME!! Okay... I hope I don't sound like some orang hutan that just came out from jungle. XD
Just settled down in the bus, with mom besides... DSLR seriously having difficulties in camwhoring, but I got used to it later on for practicing.. Haha... ^^
So... this is China. Felt kinda strange to the places, maybe it's still new to me. Could be considered as rural even though there were still houses along the highway, yet I still found that Malaysia's highway more intimacy anyway.
The Chinese rules everything there, so, there wouldn't be anymore Malay words written on either signboards or shops. All you can see is, The Epic Chinese Words like the picture above :)
We noticed kinda lotsa houses that were being painted in vivid colors, was assuming that China citizens like this style of houses. Which explained their culture was a lil different from ours. Don't overlook at these houses you think they are koyak koyak... Without an income of 8000 Ren Min Bi, you can only dream... I'm serious...
On the bus... There were actually three tours guiding us through all the way 'til the end. One was from the traveling company of Malaysia. The second one in blue sweater, was the tour from China. While the last ones(not in the picture), were those expert tours specially come from the tourist areas. These expert tours won't follow us for the whole trip 'cause they would only guide us in the areas that they are familiar, and they were "Thumbs UP!!"
Arriving at our very first destination at around evening time. Name of the place was called Hang Zhou, but I really forgotten the name of this small place :P Paiseh, will try to add on once I remember k? Hehe...

With the decoration of the yellowish sunset effect, which normally can only be seen in like posters or something. Awww... It's seriously so freaking damn nice. Too bad she wasn't there, I so wish she was there with me, was all the while missing her.
Mom and dad wanted a shot :) LOL... I just gave them a good one. ^^
Yea... And she was the expert tour of that area I was mentioning about, her sir name is Gao, so she asked us to address her Xiao Gao. Haha, what a cute way of calling that :D She's really epic and nice. Taught us lotsa local traditions like, how they call the pretty girls there? If you use Xiao Jie(Malaysian way of calling Miss.), you are in trouble. 'Cause Xiao Jie in China refers to harlots. And they will get pissed off if they hear this. While the correct way of calling was, Gu Niang(China way of calling Miss.). It's polite but we just don't used to it. The term Gu Niang makes me felt like going back to the pass.. Haha, still some of us make the mistake by addressing the girls there. Funny... :P (Ohh, one more thing, the pretty girls in Hang Zhou is called "Aiyoyo~~" while ugly ones called "Aiyaya~~" Don't get mixed up k? Or else you are doomed for calling the wrong one "Aiyaya~~")
Saw the words? It's pronounced as Cheng Dong Sheng Ye... Was supposed to mean like a city or town. But it's actually a house, a really huge house. It was where the richest guy in this Hang Zhou used to stay in, big like the city or town was what I assumed why they put the name. Wanna know how huge it is?? C'mon... :)
Alright, this is the full map of the whole housing areas. Try to look carefully and mind the comparison... It will surprise you by right...
A long long descriptions which covers the histories and landmarks etc etc... Well, it's for you readers, I don't really bother to read them out.. ^^
Rich guys house in ancient time... I know it's not a problem for people in this century to own any of this, but in previous days, their prosperity can somehow compete with those world class millionaire now. Why said so??
Just take a look at the garden they have... Think properly ya, this is part of their housing area. Do you think nowadays bungalows can be so spacious? While I can tell you, not even the king's house now can compete with them. Know why?? 'Cause this garden is only like 1/10 of the actually size of the land.
Gathered in front of the wall gate... Preparing to go into another part of the house. Keep track... ^^
Alright, here we go for the another part of the house. Aww man, this was like the scene of the dreams. Why won't there be such a nice scene in Malaysia? Shutter tucking non-stop...
This was the number what what houses that I've seen in the areas I also can't remember. And it's still so big. It was really out of mind how this guy can be so rich in the ancient China? Could he be a judge? A clear judge or what? No one knows...
After walking for so long, we reached their official living hall... I bet some of you readers might always see this in those Hong Kong drama acting the past time show right? Yea... I saw them in real life now. Hehe ;)
After so many year, it's impossible to maintain such a nice condition on those furniture. Of course for sure they have done some renewal stuff on them. Maybe some wood preservation or recoloring them. LOL... never mind, as long as we get to see the actually stuffs, that was pretty good enough already. ^^
And... YEAH!!! Group picture outside of the house... Don't need to find me, sorry for telling you readers I'm not in the picture. 'Cause I'm too outstanding to be shown in the picture, just leave the chance for them la. XD hehe.. :P
It was almost the end of visiting the house... The whole bunch of us went to one end of the house to purposely sit for the sampan to reach back where we started the whole visit. The scene was just so nice...
Why arh!!?? Why can't I stay in somewhere like here, with a nice scene just in front of my house like this and the kinda 4-5 degree Celsius chilling temperature? I'm so gonna start jealousing... Ishh..
Group picture on the sampan... The old uncle helped snapping the picture. I bet he doesn't even know how to use it... XD The result was a failure like this, luckily can barely see me... Ishh... XP
The man who roll the sampan... Don't worry, it wasn't him who holds the camera. They actually sang all along way 'til the end.. And we were like giving them some tips.
Haha... There we are. ^^ There was a temple in the middle of the street. We used it as our landmark of where we gonna gather 1 and a half hour later. So... It's free period. Yeah, time to crave for some food :P
I saw McD... err, in the epic Chinese words... Hahaha, the feel was so weird. No more western feel... LOL XD
Been into this shop... It's a local food selling shop like dried desserts, and herbals etc etc. I was kinda pissed off in purchasing. The workers inside like freaking damn bad in serving attitude weiy... WTF!!?? Customers buying their stocks, taking out the money slower only also like wanna halau people away... We were being told they were like this in advance but I just couldn't stand it and almost wanna shoot them already. It's CNY Eve I know, but can't you workers just be a bit more patient? Never ever will I return to this kinda stupid shop. -^-
What I bought was this... They were jelly like cakes make out of different flavors. Look quite nice but the taste was totally okok only :( Disappointed, I shouldn't have put so much hope on China food.
A nice shot on myself... I forgot who shoot this for me, guessed it was mom if i wasn't wrong.
It's only around 6ish in the evening, but it's already like our time at 8ish of 9ish already. It makes sense that when they don't wanna change their time so resulted in like their time was 2 hours later. Sunset... temperature was even colder then. It dropped til like only around 3-4 degree Celsius, also the first time that I experienced so extremely cold. Went without a proper sweater will really die in 10 mins weiy... And and, we saw the vapor coming out from mouth when we talked. Haha...
Chatting with dad's friend's daughters. I tell you, these girls were really awesome, in this extreme cold situation, can still go with only one thin T-shirt and thin jacket not sweater. Lol... I Salute!!
Due to some mistakes, our dinner time was being delayed. And we were joking that, the first day only the tour already don't want us and just left us in the middle of the street to starve to death. Hahaha... everyone of us was craving for steamboat and BBQ... ^^
Finally, in the restaurant waiting for any empty room that we can fit in. All of us were like almost starve to death, really... 'cause the whole day kept traveling and traveling only. No time for us to stop by for food also. Kelian... :P
Well... dishes were served. I noticed that China people likes to serve all these small minor dishes first before the major ones come in. And we don't actually used to it... I can tell you, all the small minor dishes were cold, none of them were a lil warm. Holy shit... But later on, even though we were so hungry, we really can't finish all the major dishes. It was really too sufficient... 'til all of us went bloated. What a waste! Sigh, that's what the Chinese culture is... finish means you are not enough, can't finish then only they will stop ordering for you. Silly...
Ok... after so long, this was only the first day. We still have 7 more days to go. Wanna know what more awesome and epic things we met in China later on?? Nice pictures??
Stay tune ya :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :P
Tell me how excited I was... Tell me how awesome it was... It's my first time going to China, some more it was during Chinese New Year period; going to the origin of where Chinese New Year was first being celebrated. What do you think about the feel? The strong CNY spirit I witness there regardless of only 1 or 2 angpaos received, and also the coldness just right after winter. Sorry that I couldn't make a review of how I prepared my things for the trip... Just try to brief them out a lil, well...
The most was that, I bought a black SODA inner sweater from Voir Gallery. She chose it for me and yea... I lurve it alot, pretty thxz to her ^^ lurve her :) Was kinda frustrated at the winter sweaters, I do have one but dad was like kept nagging me saying mine wasn't the appropriate one. Memang can tahan ok? Not much, what else? Arhh!! Yea, and of course, my DSLR :D (It went in to "Hospital"[service center] after the trip due to the invasion of dust. Dang it!!) Alright, the following pictures that you readers will be viewing, were all then from it... I was giving the best shot of the scenes. Appreciate ya... ^^
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen.. it's the pictures turn to present now. (*Beware, tons were coming up..)
To dad's friend's house area first, then only we got into a bus and headed on to KLIA. Breakfast there, nasi lemak (the rendang was awesome) :P Plain's boarding time was 7:30am...
Ok... after so long, this was only the first day. We still have 7 more days to go. Wanna know what more awesome and epic things we met in China later on?? Nice pictures??
Stay tune ya :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :P
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Starbucks at "BirdPoint" :P
January 22th, Saturday...
It's almost Chinese New Year, and the girl paid a visit back to her heart again soon after the end of her semester break. (Hehe, paiseh la, it's because I kept asking her back :P Never mind, I make it happened ^^) Yea... great to see her back and we planned out for the pasar malam which she don't get the chance to go normally. Was really fun hanging out there even though it's packed with crowds... Shared our Fried Kuei Teow 'cause later on we were heading to Starbucks for supper, which is a place I promise to go whenever she's back :)
It's kinda late and we were wondering where else can we find Starbucks near OUG areas? LOL... Suddenly I remembered there was this once upon a time crowded place called PearlPoint (We refer it as BirdPoint, hehe... Fooling around :P), besides the hotel lobby located an unexpected nice environment Starbucks. Love it... ><
PearlPoint (BirdPoint) used to be the name of the mall. Even though the mall is now collapsed, it's hotel still remains operating, and I never knew it's still nicely decorated and maintained like what is shown above.
Me :) I wondered how she can shoot this picture 'til so bright without having the setting done. Which she was so proud of it for her shooting skills... ishh, but I have to admit, I can't shoot her this nice >.<, 'cause...
That's why I said so... the picture is dark right? I don't understand, even though I set the ISO at 1600, still my DSLR can't perform like the previous picture that she shot at me... I phailed?? Sob Sob...
Don't care... Can't wait anymore, STARBUCKS HERE WE GO!!! Really speechless, Starbucks is always excellent at the outlook no matter which outlet you go... They just guarantee an excellent place to enjoy your tea and online when necessary. That's why they are pricey for reasons, which every customer willing to pay. What to do? They are Starbucks... ;) And we just love it...
Decorating some of their famous instant coffee beans or packs really makes the counter looks somewhat nice and classy.
What was that she's holding? It's written Sugar-Free Classic Mints, looks like some kinda add-on for coffee, well... As long as some sides that might make the coffee tastes better, that's all... hehe :P
Everytime to Starbucks, (besides after having full dinner) definitely we will place our orders in either one or two cakes. 'Cause that's what dessert suppose to have, hehe... But honestly, it's just because we were too "tam chiak" :P
Ordering... Like I said, it's almost Chinese New Year period, Starbucks was baking something really nice that only being promoted during Chinese New Year period. :)

Here you go... I have forgotten the name of it, but it's actually a muffin baked with mandarin oranges and some peanut form things, served hot.. :) Frankly telling, it's super yummy... :D

There was another small piece of chocolate cheese cake, yea... our favorite ^^ So basically, ordering such dishes from Starbucks does put down your worriness in wondering its taste. Because, they are too nice to be express in words... :) Two persons, two plates... enough right?? Haha, no no no... Of course we did share ^^ and Ohh!! Something more important was showing...
We were in Starbucks, how can we forget about drinks? Don't tell me you are going to Starbucks but not drinking anything. LOL... It's the Green Tea Latte that we I suggested. So far, I found it not bad. Just have to make sure that don't order Cream, very stupid to do that. By the way, sharing between us also ^^
Thank you!!! I like this shot alot.. Together with the muffin and the drink... :d
Her turn kena shoot. Hehe... She can't wait to poke the straw and have a try at the drink. That thirsty meh? Are you having difficulties poking in?
Finally... So happy when she got to take a sip of the green tea. Peace... :P
It's almost time, we were on the way to our car but she suddenly posing again besides the fake CNY tree, and I took out m camera clumsily to shoot this down. :P Nice shot though...
Promise to send her home before 11pm, of course I have to make it for her. Don't want always occupy her time that much. Haiz... miss her bad now. Hope to see her again soon... :) All the best... That's all for the night ;)
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
It's almost Chinese New Year, and the girl paid a visit back to her heart again soon after the end of her semester break. (Hehe, paiseh la, it's because I kept asking her back :P Never mind, I make it happened ^^) Yea... great to see her back and we planned out for the pasar malam which she don't get the chance to go normally. Was really fun hanging out there even though it's packed with crowds... Shared our Fried Kuei Teow 'cause later on we were heading to Starbucks for supper, which is a place I promise to go whenever she's back :)
It's kinda late and we were wondering where else can we find Starbucks near OUG areas? LOL... Suddenly I remembered there was this once upon a time crowded place called PearlPoint (We refer it as BirdPoint, hehe... Fooling around :P), besides the hotel lobby located an unexpected nice environment Starbucks. Love it... ><
Promise to send her home before 11pm, of course I have to make it for her. Don't want always occupy her time that much. Haiz... miss her bad now. Hope to see her again soon... :) All the best... That's all for the night ;)
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
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