Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peach Muffin Cake ;)

January 1st, Saturday...

Days back... I received a lovely peach muffin cake sincerely bought from Malacca by someone's parent. Sorry but I can only make a general review of the cake here instead of telling directly who gave this (I promised not to tell) :) Well... really feel thankful even 'til now, and of course, a lil bit paiseh (embarrassing) 'cause... aiks, it can't be expressed by words. As long as I was all the while joyful when I received it ^^

Hehe... I was told to finish the cake quickly, 'cause it's made of butter and fresh fruit pieces. No preservation was being applied, and therefore it can't last long. What a waste if I just eat like swallowing without having the time to even really biting on it. It was unbelievably nice, as expected... ^^

Aww... Look how nice it is >.<, I felt so heartache when the knife cut through the peach pieces. I don't wanna finish it so fast T^T

Such nice fresh cake... Once finished, don't know when can I get to try it again?? So of course I use the best photography skills to shoot it down when it's still under perfect condition.. :')

Take a closer look at this... Aww... =O I can imagine how good it smells when it's being baked. I love the color... ^^

It's basically a fruit cake... Just that I'm sure it's difficult to get in Malaysia. I meant not every of our states... It explains why it's from Malacca.

LOL... I was told to shared it with my family. Apparently, my mom was like "wow.. this is yummeh!!" And guess what?? I tended to hide it from them to prevent them from finishing it. (Yes, I did..) Hehe, but at last I still took it out la, or else someone might claim that I'm selfish.

Ok... So this was the replacement of the excellent fried oyster in Malacca. Anyway, thanks alot. I love the cake so much, was so happy ^^ hope there are always chances to taste it again. :)



The Xiao Qi Gui :P

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