Guys and girls, I'm back (finally) ^^. I was quite a while that I've been away from blogging, so sorry 'cause I was busying with my wushu exam, an exam that certified me as an official wushu coach in Malaysia :P
Back then, paiseh that this is an old post again (wondering when can I finish all these pending posts >.<). It was Tuesday, less likely we couple will meet in this kinda weekday. She was backed to KL 'cause something really unpleasant happened, she lost her purse :( Well, curse to the thief, ishh.. But, never knew the darling managed to get me something for my passed birthday as a belated prezzie. Love her so damn much :') Check it out..

As usual, Starbucks @ JayaOne used to be the best hangout place in the late night :) I miss that place much.

Outfit of the night: Hehe, I was the first time wearing the black sweater she chose for me. Love it :D Do I look better with it?? XD

Special of the night: Java Chip Frappuccino and Mushroom Chicken Pie ^^

Norm norm :d It tasted real yummy ^^

**Shuttle sound** Here we are :) Lovely...

Ohh!! And look what she has gotten me as the belated prezzie!!

It's the Miami Playboy perfume for man!!! O.O There is this playboy signature even on top of the bottle cover :D

Awww... I'm gonna faint for it!! Thxz so much darling... You knew what's best for me :') Sorry that you still need to spend so much under such condition.
I'll put it on whenever we go out :)
Alrite, that's all for the night.
Thxz for reading :)
More to come,
Stay tuned ya.

*Muacks Muacks*
The Qiao Qi Gui :P
1 comment:
Looks like that was a beautiful birthday celebration with all the lovely food from Starbucks.
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