Days back, ohh ya... it was the same day as when we were heading for YUEN steamboat at Sunway area. Well, my beloved green baby had it's side window broken by some idiot bastard who try to steal my bag from the back seat. Eventually, nothing was lost. My bag was still with me... I called my dad and he kept marah marah with some blaming tone. Hate it...
It happened this way, three of us (Me, Eli Chen, & Kamal) were waiting outside of YUEN duel to Raya full house. And my baby wasn't parking too far from us, perhaps like forty seconds walk from YUEN. But Kamal was rather hungry since he had fasted for the whole day, well then, he asked me for my car key and Eli accompanied him to where my car park. I was waiting for the seat... In few minutes time, Eli called me in a rushing and serious tone,
Eli: "Kyuo!! Can you come to your car for a while!?
Me: "Uh huh.. What happen?"
Eli: "Someone broke your car's glasses!!"
I quickly ran to my car and saw them stand staring at the side my car... The window's glass was on the ground, the whole piece crushed.. Hrmm, it did not spread the whole floor instead, still sticking together because my car's glasses are with sun shaded sticker. It too has the function to prevent the glasses to spread out when it's broken.. Shit, look at this...

I started to check and ask around, found that nothing was being stolen, proven with my bag still available at the back seat. Eli and Kamal claimed that they were shocked when they see this... Kamal said he can't see the window and at first thought Eli didn't wind up the window. As he saw the some broken glass pieces remained at the edge of the window only he realized it's broken. Eli found out the whole piece of window glass under my car. We assumed that they kicked underneath to prevent others from knowing. Eventually, my dad told me, not because they were stupid for stolen nothing, but because they found out your bag was so light in weight when they carry, and they just put it back. I was lucky for putting nothing much in my bag, or else it's lost.
Aiks... why the hell am I so bad in luck that day? Why are there such stupid idiot bastards who afraid of living in the peaceful world? The world is peaceful in my eyes last time, but these morons has corrupted by turning it chaos. Twice... my house, and now my car... ishhhh... I'm so gonna blast them out if ever I see them.
Surprisingly, even I myself felt so unbelievable... It's a sad case but it actually didn't ruin my appetite and mood, you'd know if you have read my previous entry... see this. Maybe it was because the coming few days were gonna be relax, I was going back to hometown, and that makes me felt so hyper. ^^
Don't get me wrong, of course I feel sakit hati about my green baby... I sayang it so damn much.
I will never let anyone hurts it anymore...
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
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