Yea... It's yet another lifeless day that I went skating alone. I still can't figure out why I skated that day... It was within school holidays period, so, ice rink packed with crowd was an incontrovertible fact and undoubtedly the price... aiks >.< By right I should be studying anyway... exam is on due, it's bored by sitting the whole day in front of the desk. Well, I know I'm stupid for saying this if I wanna score high in the coming exam. FML... Thought of relaxing a while in skating, yet it's still the same, I've regretted for entering the rink; I found no joy skating because I was alone. Sigh, I will never ever go skating alone anymore unless friends ask me out... I swear...
Perhaps, I felt kinda relax too when I think of the next day will be heading back to my hometown, Gopeng, for my cousins wedding ceremonial... It's raya, and no such stupid wushu classes to teach. Yeah!!! That's a news great enough to excite me... Never thought of such a sudden, I met Eli Chen. She wasn't skating, instead just hang around at pyramid. Hehe...
Alright, my mood was delighted at the moment. ^^ Let's plan for the dinner, I was so damn hungry right then... Well, just go somewhere near for a filling one... yeah :) We went off around 7pm, surprisingly, Kamal was joining, *erh herm*, stupid... Forget about it, I wasn't that likey, but no matter how we are still friends, together with Eli's friend, Melissa... I was driving... and the place we were heading on was, YUAN steamoat restaurant, self-service type. Hehe... it was my first time eating here...
Maybe it's because of Hari Raya eve, full house kept everybody waiting outside... too bad I forgot to take some pictures duel to some unhappy thing happened to my Green Baby... some idiot bastard broke my baby's side window and manage to steal my bag. Luckily in the end, nothing was stolen, my bag was still there but my window aiks... will jot about this in the following entry, make sure you keep track with my blog. I inform my dad on spot about this, and he asked me to go home immediately. Sorry dad, I have to have dinner with my friends >.< and I insisted to stay... luckily, a fat Indian uncle promised me to look after my car and asked me dine peacefully. Thanks uncle... :) Actually, I'm terribly damn sakit hati about my green baby, but I just dunno why I still have to mood and the appetite to take in a large portion of food.. take a look at us...

It was really a fun night hanging out with them... Ermm, nice to meet you Melissa, if ever you are reading my blog... ^^
I know where I have to go on Saturday night, and I'm heading on to the chinese herbal shop in looking for something that can cure heatiness for her. That's the main purpose I been to Sunway that day. She's so damn heaty duel to lack of sleep, thus having bad dreams most of the time. Thought of buying packs of dry herbal, have to be immersed in hot water before drinking, but I know she's always lazy in doing this... so, can drink was what I bought, called Siberian Frozen Frog's Oviduct. Drinking often might help keeping cool, and smoothing skin. That's exactly what she needs. Hope it helps her out fine there... no worries, all the best ya :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :P
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