December 24th, Saturday (Cont.)
(Next stop:
Ikea & Ikano)
It was almost evening time in
The Curve, our stomachs went hungry. Hehe, she told me there was a food court in
Ikea, where some set meals were sold at an extremely cheap price. It was just a few steps away from the roll of
Ikea counters. Well, as in like how cheap?? Let's see...

A set of this, (bread with sausage & a refillable drink) cost only around RM3.50. Cheap right?? :) Yeah... Total up mine and hers was only RM6.50, 'cause we share the drink. Love the sausage bread especially, since we can add in as much ingredient as we want 'til we satify. ^^ There were
mustard, and
onion... Hehe, she added all of them in hers but mine was only with
onion and loads of
mustard. Love it... ^^

Done some snapping before eating... She looks tired after the whole day traveling around >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);" size="1">small mouth, haha.. XD

Here we are, the furniture part in Ikea. ^^ I love this part simply because they have lotsa nice room designations, which we can hardly imagine. Further with the help of nice and
cold air-condition, will make us feel much more comfy than in our own
home. I'm serious... She's tired and that's why I want her to have a rest, perhaps a ten mints eye resting here.

I wish this was my room... aww, sit down don't wanna get up already :) How good if I can go overnight here. ^^ Picture together... Haha, there was a table in front, so I just set the timer only :)

Was in the
kitchen section... Lol, she likes
flower. Love this shot... :)

I placed my
D-SLR on top of the oven; she's holding another
flower... "bu!!"

Forgot from where she got this
tiger form pillow... She said it's
cute and
comfy. Lol, want then just grab it home lar. Seriously, I thought of buying it at that time... :)

Moved our butts to another room. Ermm... What kinda room is this ah?? Can somebody tell me?? It seems like a resting room, 'cause there was a door which the next side was
bathroom already. Felt so comfy too, was having some eye resting here. ^^

Opps... I was right. It's memang a resting room. There was a plasma TV( I bet it's a real one), on the cupboard with an attractive spot light spotting on. I miss this room now >.<

Err... I was trying to shoot you with a nice angle lar. Doesn't need to give me a
wtf look right? Seemed so scary~ :S Hehe...

**Tadah**!! Lol, I walked by pass the next side, which was a bathroom, and found this... :) It should be kinda familiar right? Maybe not here, but overseas they like to put this kinda cloth made of towel like material in those classy hotel for the after bathed customers. Very wide and comfy, haha... I love it, yet it's kinda pricey though... :S RM149.90 just for this thingy!! O.O

On the way leaving
Ikea to the next stop, that lady spotted this. It's a shelf made of thick layer of cloth. She thought of buying this and use it inside her Kampar cabinet, so that she can hold more thing. Main advantage is that it's convenient in the sense of easy folding and light weight. Surprisingly, it only cost RM9.90 :D Hope it's really useful lar ^^

Random shot... She posed then I saw then "
Kachak!!" Hehe... Nice, I love this shot. :)

Back to
The Curve again, we have to since our car parked here. And in this kinda festive season, how can we miss the best known part in
The Curve we knew it would be
hotzz here, the
Food Street? Spotted yet another big beautiful X'mas Tree with
blue and
violet lightnings... I have to admit the scene was real fawesome... ;P

This kinda excellent scenery, of course shooting first!!
Cheese :)

My turn... I notice that girl likes to keep her shots slightly or terribly slanted. So whenever you see slanted or up side down pictures here, it's definitely by her. But I have to admit that they do look more artistic with slanting undoubtedly. Need to learn from her already. Haha... ^^Love this picture lar...

Taken together with the water fountain... Kinda hate those crowds who won't avoid themselves when they see people are snapping. Still
gunduk gunduk walk passed in front of us... Grrr...
Retarded means retarded. Not referring to anyone of you reading here if you were like this k? Hehe :)

Aww... in love with this scene alot. The X'mas feel was so strong, lightnings were great... Hope next year they can have a better one and we can be there again.. ^^ She's
prettyyy... miss her >.<

An artistic shot from her. Kinda amazed at the angle that she snapped at... It's really great. I find it difficult to get the idea and feel in snapping this too. Good job, love it... :) Learn the settings also, snap more next time :D

Another one, lol... This one was a bit challenging, 'cause the brightness was kinda hard to adjust, sometimes too orange yellowish, and sometimes blur. Kept on adjust it for her... This was the result after a few tries. Great work too... Very nice. :)

Don't feel right for not having a proper dinner, I really feel like eating something 'cause it's dinner time already. It's all because of the sausage bread and drinks that we had just now, so it's still filling. Never mind, we'll have something light and she brought me to the
Hometown cafeteria upstairs of the
Food Street. She's not eating but drinking, share also...
Soya bean.

I want something light, so
G Cheong Fan would be the best choice... But it tasted average only, what makes it nice was only the curry sauce. That girl was kinda shocked with
G Cheong Fan serving curry... Haha... Next time try then :)

She said suddenly feel like going to
Pyramid to count the eve down. And I was like "OK!!" Managed to make it on time, because we know there would be a serious traffic congestion around
Pyramid areas. Leaving
The Curve now... Blek!! :P
Sorry for the reckless driving, I was forced to drive that way or else we couldn't reach in time. I promised no next time k? ;)

As expected,
Pyramid was packed with crowds all around. Was having difficulties in even walking... Sweating... Kinda sick with the crowds lar. And all the suckers were crazily spraying at each other and by passers with their sprayers like kids, so childish. >.<

Standing in front of
Coco Banana upstairs and looking at those idiots spraying. Here seems safer... Surprisingly, they even dared to spray at the police cars.
Bastards, wanna go into jail is it? Spray more then...

Felt really sick of this crazy scene... We kept ranting that
Pyramid shouldn't get involved with this kinda stupid countdown functions. Was so wrong to choose to come here, should have just stayed in
The Curve til 12am, at least some standards there. Never ever wanna countdown here anymore.

All at a sudden, the girl suggested Sunway Resort. Yeah... we would wish a more peaceful and normal countdown place, luckily she thought of here. The X'mas spirit here not bad too... It's so nice for only looking at it's outer parts.

The scene at the back was nice, so we planned to take some shots here before going into the lobby. Aiks.. the picture was kinda dark, can barely see me. Paiseh :P

Ishh... she kept holding my camera and don't let me shoot at her. >.<

In the hotel lobby... Hehe, peace sign again from me ^^v. I like the color of this hotel, matching with this festive season. Love this shot too... Thanks girl :D

So many shots from me, it's time to shoot her back. Haha... I purposely asked her to pose like this. That's the style of a lady boss or office lady. Lol...

Further inside, there was a Christmas function being held in the ballroom. Since there was a stage and MC on top, so basically we did our Christmas Eve Countdown here. Saying "Merry Christmas!!" This was a snowy house located besides the ballroom... Was managing to take a picture for her, but there's no way in. :(

It's actually the decoration in front of the hotel lobby. Very silent, and greatly decorated. That girl shot so many at me, it's her turn now. Hehe...

Full with
prezziezz... Can we grab a few back home??

There was a nice X"mas tree at the side also, it's so awesomely decorated with a fake fireplace that looks so real. Haha... touching touching ^^ Nice shot though... :)

Her turn... Aiks, the kids were really irritated, spoiled the pic... Hehe, but why she looks so tall in here. Lol, she is tall lar.. ;)

There was an awesome scene once we walked out of the hotel lobby... and we saw a super nice sport car parking in front, Ferrari I guess... Seems like for decoration only. That's why I asked her to pose and take a shot here. Love this too ^^ she's pretty.

The last pic of the night... Kinda shameful to see this in our country, acting like people who go without studies or brain... In fact, they are... Headache lar >.<>.< Please girl, next time tell me... or else I'll feel heartache if I found out.
Walk all the way back to our car. Was grieved that she got blister on her legs caused by her heels. Aiks... Should have noticed that and not letting her to walk that much anymore. Always like this, asked her said never mind never mind, then sendiri suffer there. Please lar, next time must tell, or else I feel heartache if I found out.
Still, it was the most unforgettable and fawesome Christmas Eve in my life. Thanks for counting it with me... Feel glad for the moments that spent with her. Hope next year's will be greater. ^^ However, it's not the end yet... more outings will be coming up next. Stay tune... Wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :P