December 24th, Friday...
Look at the date above, haha... I guess you dear readers should knew what I'm gonna blog already right? LOL, yeah... What else can be written about DEC 24th? X'mas Eve of course!! And did I tell that this year, my X'mas Eve was a Fawesome one?? Hehe... I can only say that, it was the happiest and most special X'mas Eve I ever had in my lifetime.
I'm sure, no one willing to let this kinda festive seasons go without hanging out, so do we... It was already long that we have planned, about the places and events. Ohh, frankly telling, I couldn't wait patiently the days before this. Hehe... was so "Eggcited" for knowing I can hang out with her and that I can kick the word "loner" aside, "die further a bit lar"!!!
Each time outings, (except for her first semester break coming back, DSLR got stolen... ishh) definitely I'll get my "equipments" well prepared. What are they? Lol, see what I was holding in the pictures la... ^^ Oh what a special day, how can I go without this baby? It helped us in stopping down all the lovely moments. Catch us in the pictures...
First Destination: Midvalley, The Garden :)

The first picture shooting of the whole trip... There's a
Chanel fair at the bottom ground floor as you can see from the double "
C" logo. I have no idea what the brand is about but they seems like producing girlish stuffs like handbags, purses or something related. Bet they are nice and pricey, that's why that girl got so obsess with them. Hehe :)

Here comes the female protagonist of the day :) The scenery was excellent and that's why we were so eggcited to catch our moment here once we step in.

And the male protagonist, (hehe, sampat) love the pics alot :) We tend to shop around before heading to the next stop Midvalley. (Kept looking for toilet, XD) Saw whole lotsa nice restaurants and cafes... Let's make a visit back here again and try them out.

Walking sambil shooting... See her posture was so cute with sweet smile, ^^ flaunting around with her newly bought black handbag, was actually very nice la together with her new dress. Pwettyy and outstanding among the others :)

The pathway between Midvalley and The Garden. I kinda like this building especially with tall glasses and exquisite lining's ceiling. Can see the sun shines yet feel cooling from the aircond. Felt comfy...

The girl was trying to look for a
BB Cream to replace her foundation. Testing all out yet she can't find a suitable one... Never mind, take your time to decide, or else regret for buying the wrong one.

Was shopping around in Midvalley and saw lotsa stuffs. One of them was this, a lil cute white handbag. But her current black new one was alot
better and
bigger, so she wouldn't want it anymore.

Ohh... it was after lunch hour yet we haven't taken any. Hehe, I told her suddenly felt like eating sushi, too hungry maybe... I wanna eat something very scrumptious, and she agreed too 'cause she never been to Japanese cuisine for centuries since Kampar is too kampung, kesian :P Don't have Sakae sushi there surprisingly, no choicethen, OH!! Sushi was what we found on the directorial board, not bad too :)

I have to admit that I was wrong when I first saw it's name "OH!! Sushi" on the board, which I thought it would be some
cacat sushi restaurants. I changed my impression
180 degrees after we stepped in. Take a look...

Decorations here look somewhat stylish, with mirrors around that cause their place to look alot wider. It's nice and comfy. Basing on self-service and waiter also... We can make our meal orders from waiter while getting the sushi we want from the side scrolling border. A
highly recommended Japanese restaurant :D

Trying to make our order, was kinda headache in choosing among so many yummy choices. Haha, the girl actually make her hair a lil curly at the lower end part, looked so nice... next time do slightly upper a lil bit, so that won't need to worry the curl hair gone after a while. ;)

Kyuo: Mirror shooting ^o^
Anne: Blek :P
And then, Kachak... haha, so cute... :)

It's time to try out our
Santa Hats, hehe :) So eggcited when choosing... At first she thought of going for the bling bling type which was more outstanding, but the quality wasn't nice, not flexible and more expensive, thus went for this, both exactly the same... Love it alot ;D We gotta put it on and join the X'mas Spirit.

Adjusting mine... Haha... My look wasn't bad with it. Love it ^^

DONE!! hehe...
beh pai beh pai ^^

Her turn :) Haha, told her don't cover her whole forehead but she said the hat will fall off for not doing so. Looked even cuter with the Santa hat. Lol... :D

DONE~!! With a weird cute posture.
Gorgeous?? Vote YES!! Hehe :)
Santa Kyuo: Faster! Mirror shooting again... :DSanta Anne: Blek!! :P
Kachak!! Haha... a better one ^^
Here comes our meal. We both ordered rice set. They look small but very filling, luckily didn't order other sides.

My meal, called
Katsu Don... Made of fried chicken chop frying together with egg, thus the egg was sticking the chicken at every bite. Frankly, very nice... Miss it now.. :(

And this was hers... Lol, she can't remember the name, sorry that I forgot to give her the name (
you should ask me ma), 'cause the receipt is with me, I just like to keep them. And I would recall the name for her now, it's called
Ten Don, made of Japanese famous fried prawn and serve special sauce :) I tried and was in an
OMG superb taste. ^^

Lol... she said she wanted it to be more special, so self added some chili powder. The picture was with flash, so you can actually see the powder falling and hanging. That's how she asked me to shoot :) Haha, nice..

Of course, having Japanese food must also go with
Green Tea, that's how Japanese meal suppose to be. Furthermore, it can be refilled and served two. Love it..

Taken another few plates of sushi, lol, I was saying... just take whatever tastes nice, never tried never knew, hehe :) I love eating this way when going out ^^

Haha... almost finish, was gonna pay the bill. No worries, it wasn't too expensive, that's the best part after so filling. A nice shot from her, love this picture... ;)

Took some pictures around the halls in Midvalley before leaving... Decorations there were really fawesome, love especially the Christmas tree... :)

If only we have winter season here, that should be cooler... Too bad in this kinda winter festive we still need to sweat. We want somewhere colder... Haha, that's where were heading after this. :)

Went to
Watson to have a look again for the BB cream or foundation she's finding. Tryiing and I was snapping...

Calling her mom and asking for the correct type of cream... and bought few other things. Sorry for the hair dyer, really hope I can see her hair with dark red color. Too bad... aiks.. :(

Paying... Adui, let me pay for the hair dyer lar~... I was the one asking her to try... always like this. >.<

Leaving to the next destination, haha... Happy happy... ^^ Stay close :)
Next Stop:
The Curve
Haha, she's just so cute that day, that's why most of the pictures appeared to be so nice. Still got a few more cuter ones that I didn't upload... Not gonna post them anyway. Don't simply read from her blog saying herself looks chubby, she's not... It was nothing but an illusion from a certain angles. Yea :) Love this shot...

The X'mas decorations were even better in The Curve than those in Midvalley, not gonna miss all these scenes of course. We shot all down... :) hehe..

Peace post from me ^^v... Undoubtedly, there were more crowds with Santa hats here than we saw in Midvalley. But we were not with it anymore.. took it down after Midvalley but put on again later. LOL...

Ohh... nice posture :) Hehe, suddenly asked her to post and she was like: "Oo~", then touching the X'mas tree and looked back at me... LOL, she likes the Christmas tree alot. ^^

The tree is nice, touch it touch it... :D Say Cheese :)

Before this, we were like looking around, making sure that no nobody or guard is jaga-ing the area, then I asked her faster go inside and take a few shots. Haha, 'cause the public seemed not allow to step inside, basically there's no way to go inside lar. Lol, she "zoop!!" in and I faster shoot.. Funny :P

Obviously, this scene was nicer 'cause it was like an entrance filled with flowers and trees. You're the girl, haha... love this shot too :)

Hrmm... you readers feel that my pictures were fewer?? Lol, that's why she insisted to shoot this for me. Haha... Actually I don't mind lar, I'm not lengzai or charming enough, so don't shoot too much at me. :P She's prettier, so shoot her more doesn't matter ^^

Ohh... by passed
Padini Vincci and we saw this expensive heels having promotion at 50% discount. So worthwhile, and it's nice. That's what she's holding in her hand... ^^

Trying out... Better be careful 'cause thee heels very high.

I was secretly shooting at her, 'cause most of these shoez shops are not allowing cameras... But she noticed already... hahaha XD

Haha, she got the same height as me after putting on the heels, and she suddenly said: "someone becomes shorter d~~..." Aiks... you became taller only, I didn't go short ok? Haha.. Again, I'm shooting secretly, without her realizing also. That's why I was looking somewhere, and accidentally she got a da xiao jie's posture... But very matching. LOL.. :D
Our X'mas doesn't end like this yet... because we haven't count the eve down. Something more "eggcited" waiting for us behind after this. ^^ Wanna know? Stay tune ya :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
Lols I can tell you are totally enamored by her^^ aww...more about jap food come ask me^^ actually more about food in general lols...have you tried the siew long pao in dragon i? delishious too^^ gosh I miss MV =(
1st time stepping...MERRY BELATED XMAS !
the sweetest thing in this post is to have a bf like you to capture all the cutest things in the world for her mar XD
Ur photos are beautiful ^^
Oh, you're a friend of ann? I saw her updating this post too :D
nice x'mas trees pictures :)
Hoiyoo..I read yr post, I like the way u blog, u are so capable of fastening my attention, i read from the beginning till the end, and i feel so sweeet till the end...=P
Look familiar :P
@lilian: Yea^^ wanna try, it's frm OH!! Sushi...
@Glow: Yes i am, coz she's sweet.. Hehe, sure. we never tried Dragon I before..
@Bell's: ermm, no comment but sweetest & cutest... Yea :)
@Stephanie: Hehe, thxz, captured by my new D-SLR ^^
@hilda: Yea :), it's the same outing, so of cz.
@Joeanney: lol, yea... i love x'mas trees alot :)
@eunice: thxz eunice for supporting, like u <3 ^^, candy like outing is always sweetz. :D
@Prisciella: i bet u read from hers also, yea... it was the exact same outing we went tgt :)
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