Alright guys and girls, first thing first in December, a nice and new month, a smooth and new start. ^^ Should have known that X'mas is around the corner, will have lotsa wonderful and awesome outings I bet. But for us, is it gonna be short? Ishh... I hope it's not, no... I won't let it be!! Sound so unpleasant to mention about my intake started soon in January, seriously don't wanna think about it. It's not gonna shorten any of my celebrations for X'mas; like I gonna give a damn huh? I'll still go for outings. :) Just can't wait to see her appearance... lol.
Okay, finished the out-topic introduction, here comes a change on myself. Hehe, it's a haircut lar. If not mistaken, I haven't been to any for like 2 months? Err.. plus? Lol, it's just too long which makes me feel so uncomfortable, so I decided to go for a haircut. Tried out a different barber shop in Giant, cost me RM13, which was a lil more expensive then my primary schoolmate's mom's service, but very fast and so far I'm satisfy with the hair style. Light and easy... Yeah~.
For sure, every time before and after cutting, I'll make a comparison of my looks because often I'd receive different comments, mostly the negative one... Negative? What I mean is, my look in shorter hair style is more favorable by others. Sad, I love my long hair look too. >.<
I have blogged about this before like months ago, the last time I cut it... Still, you be the judge again.

Not much differences from pictures? Lol, maybe... but in reality, yea... I actually look a lot different with short hair. Different by how? Again...
Anonymous 1: Eih Kyuo, shortened your hair ady?(DUHH~~ Obviously!!) Oh, you look better with short hair. (ishhh)
Anonymous 2: Ohh... Kyuo you finally cut your hair... (So..??) Better, looks younger... (ARGGG, I'm gonna strangle you!!!)

Never mind lar, keeping it short then settled. I don't wanna look bad, since so many people were saying it did. What do you think? I need comments...
The Xiao Qi Gui :P
looks cooler ! (:
gosh... here comes another anonymous(miss hills), saying short hair looks cooler!!! sob sob T.T
ohh..the second one is obviously different..really, look smarter..=D
ok ok, looks like i got no choice but to admit the fact only, for the sake of keeping up with my better looking.. haha, thxz girls for the comments. :)
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