However, sometimes witches might have characteristics that are exactly contrast from what we usually used to think of. Just try making sense, witches are females who manage to practice satanic beliefs, doing all jobs with the help of devil’s power, and offer sacrificing just to cause something happen, and of course they absolutely don’t need to be an old lady with long nose bridge and a sharp scary laughter to do all this.

So what could they be? Yes, when in contrast to these factors, pretty girls that seem nothing special compare to others might most probably fit this. And if they do, it would be the scariest thing in the world and around us…

Why said so? I guess most of us has some knowledge about witches don’t we? Witches used to practice all kinds of evil stuffs and acts, considered dangerous? YES!!! But they are madly pretty like normal girls and you got one of them as your girlfriend or wife, yet you do not know anything about her real feature, what’s worse will happen next?

To me, these are the scariest things that witches would make me think of, for example, using dark magic to control people as their slaves and do whatever they commanded. More like puppets if thing goes worse in which the people who got controlled lost the senses of survival and feelings. Just like plants…

Or, she might be secretly experimenting some magic chemical stuffs, poisons or medicines, in which she has to use human’s fresh blood as mixtures. Boyfriends or husbands who don’t know about it, may got their blood pumped up when they are asleep. Thus, die ‘cause of the lack of blood. While who knows witches may randomly practicing immortality, but is necessary by taking in fresh blood to maintain the practices. Victims increases…

Sucking off blood from others was one of the practices witches did in ancient times...
Guys being bondage as a genuine pig to try out newly experimented poisons, medicines, or newly learned magical powers. Perhaps some of them might be tortured to death, well, what else can be more cruel than this?

Whenever they feel like, they can just make use the ability of fortune telling and fore-vision to predict someone’s future, while for the purpose of evil acts, using their magical power to change one’s fate without letting the victim knows. This is possible mostly when they are taking revenge on someone…
Hand her your profile, and she may tells you your future. But what if she secretly changes it for you??
Are you feeling uneasy or startling now? Not so fast, there are even more unpredictable acts which we can’t actually figure out from witches. They are simply beyond how scary we can think. Therefore, for once, witches were considered sinful and against the will of God in the Western Europe in mid 17th century, and thus they were being interrogated with torture and eventually burned at the stake.
However, the season of the witches hasn't pass because of this. And this time, we are lucky enough to gain an opportunity to catch a review of a movie with similar topic by the coolest ever artist, Nicolas Cage...
Telling us how witches used to be active in the old times gone.
Let’s just prepare for the action styles.
1 comment:
The fact tht they are burnt to death is cruel. But to think of it, if they are as scary as in the movie, I think, better let them die saja la...LOL
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