Okay, that day (last monday), was kinda down duel to the failure in applying for UTAR. But on the way back, got her message by telling me that she bought something for me on her next vacation back to Shah Alam. Aww, my melancholy faded immediately after that, I'm so super damn happy... Not until days ago (Tuesday), she suddenly informed me that she's coming back to Shah Alam, which she claimed it should be a surprise at first!!! OMG!!! Arhhh.. I was like, REALLY!!?? 'Cause I seriously never thought it could be so soon, which absolutely granting me a hugeee surprise even for telling me so early. Aww, she shouldn't have told me that... I WANT A GREATER SURPRISE!! ^^. I'm looking forward for the day, aiks, just can't wait to see her. You know me, I'm not patient enough for this. ^^
A day later (Wednesday), was when I basically planning to repurchase my D-SLR, which I have long waited. Before that, I told myself I have to buy it before Merdeka since she might be coming back. As I said, I'm not gonna hold my phone's camera (though I'm proud of it's performance) to shoot like a fool during Merdeka's eve. Yet after all, she said she's not sure of whether to make the route and ask me need not to rush. Never mind, I'm still gonna get it before 31th, well and then, her confirmation makes me felt even more motivated to get it ASAP. Haha...
Wednesday night... I'm gonna go insane for running up and down Bukit Bintang Plaza >.<. Know what? I brought the wrong amount of money, which was lack of RM500, in purchasing the D-SLR. Supposed to be bringing RM1K, but since it's nearly 9pm, I was in a rush afraid of those shops ending up their working hours and mistakenly took the RM500. What's worse was, the uncle in the camera shop shows me all the things while had the warranty card chopped, but it's freaking damn paiseh when I start counting the bunch of RM50s, and opps, telling him that:
"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, s.. s... sorry uncle... I... didn't bring enough money!!!" :P
How could this happen? I was damn shy and felt so dumb, wasting my petrol, time, and toll money rushing there but got nothing. Ishhhh... Gek Sei!! Learned a lesson that I'm always so careless when I'm in a rush. Sorry la, hehe, I'll try to be more careful next time. I can see that the uncle was freaked out but got no choice so just ask me to go again tomorrow. Alright, the next day (Thursday), ironically, I didn't plan to go back to that uncle's shop I went that night, because after all it's not the actual shop that I've contacted and searching for, yet I've found them in the afternoon when I make another visit to Bukit Bintang Plaza again. Feel kinda bad for not informing that uncle, but who cares, since the actual shop is selling the same thing at RM150 cheaper. I don't mind for being a bad guy just to save RM150. Oh have mercy, it's considered a lot for the nearly bankrupting Kyuo. Eventually, well that uncle still rugi nothing, lol, it's benign.. :)
hehe I told Neko that I was going there, and she asked whether can she meet me up. She wanna have a look at how I choose and check the cam. Haha, why not? Her office is just so near to BBP, but too bad that she can't make it at last, not free... :( Lol, have a look at my re-purchase camera:

Hehe, yesterday (Saturday), I met her and Neko unexpectedly at pyramid. Actually, I was only trying to hang out there after ending my boring wushu classes. I studied there too, for 2 hours, who say cannot study at shopping center? I actually did it... and they came at night, so I was damn excited to lepak with the 2 of them. Ohh ya, her brother was there too. Nice to meet him though, I was so paiseh at first, 'cause she has been mentioned her brother so scary to me previously. Well, it's not as bad as I had imagine. :) It's was really fun last night, both of them so sampat. hehe...
Ermm today is Sunday, and it's ended. Yeah!! What's tomorrow?
I'm look forward for it now... hyper :)
The Xiao Qi Gui :D