August 20th, Friday... Yesterday, after chatting with my teacher's daughter, Hannah, I found out something. Ermm, I would like to make a review of our convo before I enter into my topic. Well, it's all about colleges and studies. She asked when will I be leaving this center (my highschool)? Hrmm, after the SAT exam on October lo. She knows this exam, ohh, because her brother, Jon (used to be my classmate), took it before. But then only she came to realize how tough the exam is after I told her all the point deducting and time limiting methods they are using.
She says: "OMG, it's even worse than SPM, and it's almost like STPM." Yea... what I'm taking is actually of STPM level if really comparing with Malaysia education standard. SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test. Supposed to be recognized by most colleges.
Okay, She's currently studying in... all the while I thought was only KDU, but nope, she said is KBU. Huh?? It's only located behind of KDU, super near to 1 Utama. WTH. Taking foundation, and she asked which college am I attending? Ermm, is UTAR if I got the in-take successfully, and I'm taking Mass Com.. Alright, here's what she alerted me,
she said: "Of all I know, UTAR is sponsored 50% by government in everything, that means it's also considered as a government Uni. What you pay is already in half... But do you think a government Uni would recognize your exam cert from overseas like SAT?"
Oppsss... OMG, I know UTAR is sponsored by government but I seriously never thought of that before. My SAT cert is supposed to be recognized by all of the colleges because it's ace in aiming at professional college studies, but I missed out that there's always an exceptional in everything. What if they don't recognize my SAT cert? Oh no, please please, no matter how, accept my cert okay? I'll do anything and everything I can for it to take affect... I started worrying while rushed quickly back in front of my laptop and search for the entry requirements of UTAR.
Ermm... I Google my question and found this. Have a look...
Table 1: Matrix for English Language Equivalency (Minimum Score)
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Phew, I was so damn nervous and anxious (a relief!!) lol, Saw the red-colored words on top that I highlighted? Hehe, yea, SOOOOO glad to see and know that they recognize the SAT score. It's stated up there, "Critical Reading", and the minimum score for it to enter into UTAR. (There are 3 sections in SAT, "Critical Reading", "Math", and "Writing", in which the highest score of each is 800). Not knowing what is "Undergraduate" and "Postgraduate", so I asked Anne and she told me both in order are "Degree" and "Master". Ohh, Credit to her, thanks Anne :). I told and chatted with her about this and I know lots of info of UTAR from her too. Really thanks, see ya there if I did it. Hrmm, I will... I wanna challenge the Jump Lake Contest, and see how many spectacles I have to change, because of the harsh studies that cause the lack of sleeping hours for eyes to rest. LOL...
Okay, that means I must score this CR section at a minimum 400 for foundation, 430 for degree, and 500 for master. Ishh, this prove UTAR isn't stupid at all, they just picked this bloody stiff section, the CR, and want us to excel it because they know it's the most difficult section among the three. Yet even though, is it real I doubt? It's hard but it shouldn't be a problem for me to score 430 to go straight to degree. Well, I'm not gonna waste my time anymore for foundation which will take me another one year to do it. HELL DEFINITELY I WOULDN'T...
I would not care how many times I have to re-take if I can't get to the goal of 430 or above, but of course I will try my very very best for the first time. So... Targeted: 430 or above. As I said, it shouldn't be a problem for just 430 or maybe a lil bit higher, because in my previous entry about the SAT Diagnostic Test (doing an exactly same SAT test with 9 sections without any preparation), I got 310 for Critical Reading section. It's extremely bad I know, but remember, that's the result before any preparations. I'm absolutely sure that I won't be as stupid as those idiots who won't improve through studying and preparing. Do you think I am?
Hehe, let my results tell the answer.
'rite, need to study liao hor. Bye~
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