August 4th, Thursday... Ever thought that what if there is somebody you don't know break into your house and steal all the valuable things away? Ishh... Why will there be such kind of people who commits this illegal act? Please, for the God's gift sake, you are given 2 hand and legs, you are healthy than anybody else... why can't you just find a proper job and work on it instead becoming thieves and breaks into people's house, taking all those things that doesn't belong to you. You bloody B*STARD, never thought of how heartache people is for losing what they own legally. Do you know you kind of people are making the whole world so damn troublesome.
I might sound like shouting out this for the victims. Yes, I am... and guess what? My house became one of the victims of such cases. According to the ronda guard, there were four Indian guys, with a blue Gen2 came to my house in the afternoon time and break into my house. You might ask why don't the guard stop them or straight call the police? Well, he wasn't there when they break into my house but by the time he saw them, they've all the valuable things stolen and running away with their car already.
Omg, the whole safety deposit box which weighted around 175kg was being carried away. All the documents, my mom's certs, passports, and everybody's birth cert were gone totally. My Sony D-SLR camera, the lens and even my old school bag also they took away. Luckily, my tabung with cash around like RM1.6K, my 3 phones in the cabinet are still with me. Perhaps they were too rush, and no time no check out everything in the cabinet. Thank God.. phew!! Altogether, the total lost was nearly around RM20K. My mom is the saddest person, because all her ornaments and documents were in the safety deposit box. She's super sad and so do I... my camera... I need to use it in the soon coming Merdeka, and also my auntie's son wedding ceremony. Argghhh....
Check out where and how they broke in...

This is the guess room where my cousin temporary staying in...

They malas to cut the grill, straight break the concrete, and take the whole grill up together with the screws... WTF!?

The grill bring taken out..

This is the store room where the safety deposit box was being located. I think it's just too obvious, because it can straight be seen once the door is opened, maybe if it's under the staircase's wall, they won't discover that.

Look at the scratches caused by the dragging of the box, it's 175kg weighted. sigh... totally disappeared.

Even the edges of the tile floor were broken because of the heaviness of the box.

My room, saw the box? They knew it's a box for DSLR, and they really opened it and pour all the manual books and CDs out. Found nothing, but my bag was being carried away.

My cabinet, under my jackets was where I used to put my DSLR bag, and now, the whole bag gone also. >.<

My parents' room, all the things were being taken out. We were not allowed to touch anything before the police came.

Look carefully, coins were all over the floor, obviously, they were not interested in coins. Sigh, my parents spent the whole day cleaning up their room.

They came in from the back, and dare to exit from the main entrance. Look at the locker, they actually managed to cut it, but it seems too wasting time, so...

They just pushed the door hard, and the whole thing came out, don't even need to cut anything including the locker. WTF!?

Even the wholes were being torn out of shape... don't know what kind of monster they were... sh*t..
Sigh, like a certain someone has told me, that we shouldn't be shifting in so fast before our neighbors do. It can only be considered as the bad luck we were having... and the funniest thing, according to the police, our area PUJ 9, we are the first house who got this case into our ass. OMG, such a "lucky" one we were... my mom is planning to set alarms and my dad is gonna buy a fiery dog to prevent this thing happens again. I wonder will they work... ?? It makes us so damn ma fun and rushed the whole of the next day to retrieve this and that from Subang to Shah Alam. Haven't get all the things done yet though.. tired. >.<
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
it seems scary with all the stuff mess on the floor...
yeah... imagine i was in the present scene. my heart beaten up and down so damn fast. really a nightmare...
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