August 11th, Wednesday... it's 9:15am now, I just reached the class. As usual, I'm terribly late as in class starts at 8am in fact. Okay, I'm so not gonna study yet feel so sorry to myself 'cause SAT exam is coming after two months time. Furthermore, I'm spending my class time blogging this entry. That's the so-called officially slacking. Ermm, kinda normal huh? Who else like me do you think can study in front of the laptop, with net some more? Well, actually I didn't plan to study also, since my book isn't opening and still in the bag. Perhaps after all these, Twitter, Facebook, Msn, Blogger, & forums. Don't blame me, teacher... you gotta understand that my house don't have wireless yet. Would you please considerately let me become a pig(lazy), just for this one single day? Omg, yes I wish I could just doze off right now on the table, even though I slept at 12am plus last night. It's considered kinda early for me, yet was sort of blur when a certain someone leave me a good night message at 4 in the morning(listening now) because just only I realized I replied her with a blank message(replied another one with text at 6am plus). I'm sorry if ever she's reading now.
Aww... and my mood... aiks... I just wanna blog!!!
I don't know and can't figure out why. I feel just so down in the past two days and even now. Some of you might know that, my house's been broken in by thieve last week, (darn it!!!) and yea, in only my stuff, I lost my camera. But that's not the main reason for me to feel down. FML, I should but I'm not, how can I? Isshh, is my brain telling me something more important to worry than this? If so what are they? God damn what am I asking? I know what are they la...
I just have too much to think:

- Have to repurchase my D-SLR. I need it in the soon coming Merdeka, as a certain someone might be coming back. That's the thing I'm most concerning with... I wish the normal kit lens would just take fine pictures. Two weeks plus more... I gotta head on Bukit Bintang to look for it. Ermm, daddy can I loan RM1K from you first? :P
- Am I hanging out too often to Pyramid recently? Ermm, twice or three times in a week... aiks, I know I HAVE to study, I don't wanna hang out too often. But frankly telling, I can't stay alone a at home for too long or else I will fikir yang bukan bukan... and usually goes moody in the end. I wanna meet my friends, or at least, take a walk in the mall. Love looking at those couples holding hands and walk side by side sweetly, even an uncle and auntie with white hair.. I will smile when making a wish for them to be together forever and ever and appreciate the relationships they are having, like what I'm thinking all the while.
- I really miss a certain someone so badly. I know she might be busy with exams, assignments and reports all the time, and that I couldn't get to call her so often. But no matter how, never forget means never forget, ever since the beginning.. the 1st day that we met. Hopefully she's fine and doing well there. I can only wish her all the best... :) Don't sleep too late.

Am I overly anxious? Things that are not happening are always in my mind. I hate it... I need to get the spiritual "key" to open the spiritual "door" in my heart. I'm sure that it's also the motivations that can hold me up and get me moving. But 1st of all, the way to get the key is to finish my SAT exams. I know I can do it... wish me luckss :)
The Xiao Qi Gui ;)
y muz u be so desperate to get that dslr...without that dslr, u still have phone camera in the mean time...no need to get it b4 merdeka u silly~
somehow i still need to buy it... furthermore, they r having promotion right now, have to buy before it ends or i can't get the bag and memory card together. dun worry la, still got very long only reach merdeka. i'm not loaning from my dad anyway. ^^
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