August 17th, Tuesday... I have no choice but to blog about this now, 'cause I promised I'll tag her all the pictures we took last night at facebook but I wanna let my bloggie goes first. So yea... Aiks, freaking sad that she's leaving to Australia tomorrow. Aww, I just got to know her a lil better than when we just met. It's like... I HATE THIS... Why are all my friends like this? It already happened twice since May... Friends were leaving me to elsewhere far for studies short after I know them. WHY??? I don't wanna trace all the moments being with them only in my memory. Do you know how sad it is to miss them so freaking bad?
Every time when I loiter in Pyramid(place I use to meet and hang out with them), places, restaurants, seats, shops, escalators, staircase and even the walking paths that I once be with them there before, I'd see their shadows and faces there in my mind but they are no longer here with me anymore. I can only recall the things they did, and the words they said last time and stand moodily alone there... sob sob.. :'( There are only two of them so far, well I bet you know who I'm talking about.
Accept the fact? NAWW... I don't wanna but I was forced to. >.< The last farewell gathering and dinner, was the last chance for me to see her. I promised I will attend and that I did put all my attention on her. Suppose, there were few others as she invited but four of them FFK in the last minute. Oh c'mon you guys, it's Melanie's farewell gathering and dinner. I don't know how much it meant to you all, but for me, I will definitely make it even I have to skip my piano lesson to do so.. because, IT'S HER FAREWELL GATHERING AND DINNER!!! HEY, SHE'S LEAVING DAY AFTER TOMORROW ADY OKAY!!??
Okayz, she met me up at the ice rink around 6:30pm, together with Sophie and Farhi. She planned to dine at Sushi Zanmai. We head on there for the queue, so crowded. Lol, this is the second time for me to eat in Sushi Zanmai. Was a lil bit different compare to the first time, as in we got the seat in a nicely decorated room with ambient light. It's so nice and cold, haha... Hope you feel grateful too even only three of us here... and I'll let the pictures speak now.. :)

Melanie and Sophie, in Sushi Zanmai... Her besssst friend. hahaha..

**Tadah** A gift for her. ^^ 'M glad that she likes it...

By preparing this, I ran up and down the stitching shop in Summit USJ, and because the glove is too small for the stitching machine to sew the words on it, end up I sow it with hands a day before yesterday. Hope it's not poorly sow... :)

Farhi.. I just know him yesterday, well, haha, he's kinda friendly and humorous. With him, all kinds of jokes were being told and we laugh and laugh and laugh... :D

Sophie, lol, guess what? she's a student of figure skating like Melanie and she's really good. Very nice of her too... ^^

Kyuo... Ermm, the owner of this blog.. Do I need to intro myself? hahaha, well, thanks Melanie for the nice picture of me... like it..^^

Melanie~, the lady of the night. As usual, she looks cute & pwetteee... :)

Hehe, we were chatting all the way before the our orders arrive. As you can see, the environment inside is not bad, but the air-con is kinda cold. Melanie kept claiming very cold~... I'm not because I was with my sweater. ^^

Yeah, here goes the food... Melanie ordered this, I'm not sure what's the name of this, But it's raw salmon fish, together with her Udon Noodle. Lol, so thick...

Melanie with her food, taken by my phone camera. hehe, kinda okay right? ^^ oh ya, we have green tea too. It's refillable...

It's Farhi's meal, same I'm not sure about the name of it. It's with raw salmon fish as well, serving with rice, cucumber, and lemon. He shared this with Sophie... couple I guess.. :)

And this was what I ordered, called Gindara Teriyaki, salmon grilling with teriyaki source. Kinda pricey and small portion but it's nice especially the skin part. That's what I told a certain someone and we gonna try it out next time. ^^

Hmm, a random shot at Sophie's camera. Love it because I'm a fan of Carl Zeiss Optics. ^^ hehe... performance is sort of awesome.

Haha, Melanie was busy chatting on phone with her auntie calling from Hong Kong. I was holding the camera and she said "shoot me"(speak soundless). lol... so cute... :)

We kept chatting for like half and hour more after eating, because I was waiting for my another meal to arrive, the Dai Dai Roll, but they seemed to have forgotten about it. Never mind, I know Mel was cold and just called for the bill. Hrm, waiting waiting... why the bill haven't come de? Opps, we have to pay at the counter la, hahaha... let's go let's go.. lol, so blur all of us..

Counting the money for bill, it's around RM88 plus... expensive...
All of us, except Melanie, were not filling. So Farhi and Sophie planned to go for Nando's on their own.. Hrmm, hehe, I wasn't full too anyway... But it's okay, us two were going for dessert at Fullhouse. I will just left my stomach for cakes...^^

Here we are.. Fullhouse...

The food is not nice here I know, and it's only well known for it's decoration. But still prefer The Garden at The Curve though, sorry to say that the food is incomparable. I miss the Garden so much, not only the place but also the person...

The menu, rolf, it looks like a story book for kids... haha.. so interesting. ^^

Eih, I take picture only, do you need to look at me so fiercely? hahaha.. your hair so messy...

We were asking for the cakes' flavors...

Okayz... We gotta pick the types of cakes we want ourselves outside. They have a lot, but unlike those cakes at The Garden, I don't think all of them are nice. So we ordered half a dozen, which was six small pieces...

A picture of me and Melanie...

Nice environment of course have to take more pictures of ourselves... ^^

Busy taking pictures of the cakes and drinks...
Here comes our desserts, cakess....^^ We have chocolate, pandan, strawberry yogurt, cappuccino, cheese, and green tea. Unfortunately, two of us were so picky that all the cakes, except strawberry yogurt, were abysmal... hrmm, they only have a nice outlook... I still prefer the cakes at The Garden... >.<

As in drinks, she ordered Honeydew Milk Shake, it's bubble tea la, hehe, and mine was Green Tea Milk Shake. Hrm, can be accepted la, satisfying oni. As long as it's fun chatting there... :) nice

A picture of Mel and the cakes and drink.. nice posture.. :D

A picture of me with the cakes and drinks... hehe, it's by her camera, of course it's nicer and better than mine. I love this picture alot.. :)
Aww, it's so nice chatting with her all the time. Slowly enjoying the cakes and drinks, even though they were not that yummy. Every topic just became part of our convo...

Later on, Sophie and Farhi meet us up, chatter for half an hour more before we leave...
Before going off from Pyramid, us two loitered around the ice rink once more. It's her last visit to the rink, and she said she gonna miss the rink here so much... Yea, sure she does.. all the memories with friends and buddies here. Aiks... I just don't what to say to comfort her. I sent her home the first time, and I guess it's also the last time. Her house is just a 10mins drive from my new house area... what a joke!! A miserable hug before she went in... how desperate I'm in wishing her to stay as long as possible. I'm gonna miss her... and etch this night unto my brain.

Take care Melanie... :'(
The Xiao Qi Gui.
You're the best. thank youuu <3 hm seem so sad from yesterday till today and tomorrow is the day !! Its a pleasure to meet you. and i love the photos you took .... Thankk you again . Cheers !to the future mate :)
you're welcome, well, that's all that i can do for the last day of meeting u. yea, really sad... would like to wish u all the best over there. take care k? Cheers :D
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