November 12th, Friday...
Sorry guys and girls, that, I delayed this post... It should be up soon after his birthday but, I was just somehow kinda busy with my graduation stuffs. Well, it's all about an advance celebration of the two birthday guys in TIGF(Fridayz) at Sunway Pyramid, Joey and Sam... I'm not gonna text too much since will have quite a dozens of pictures. :)
Never have expected meeting Joey's girlfriend(Carmen) so darn soon. Know what? After a random reading at her blog only I found out she's someone's girlfriend I'm close to... Haha... Dramatic huh? They were planning a surprise for Joey by "fakely" dragging him to skate, and "fakely" wanted to dine at TIGF. In fact, the gang was already waiting to blast him out there. Lol, we even hide in Jusco for sake of surprise. :) A nice one buddies... Who's in?? Haha, okayz.. I try to name those that I know lar..
Joey, Carmen, Sam, J, Nigel, Rosemund, Elly, Nikki, Me, Brandon, Shiong Wei, and few more other skaters whom I don't really close with.

The first time dining in Pyramid's TGIF. Obviously, not much differences compare to other branches... I managed to take a picture of it, but, FAILED... it's blur. :(

As expected, most of this kinda restaurants like to hang some unique stuffs on the wall for decorations. Not a new idea though, but I saw what? Ice hockey helmet? hockey stick and gloves?? OMG...

The entrance..

The menu

Everyone was placing orders,

And I managed to snap the director(Carmen) and the protagonist(Joey) of the night. Nice to meet you Carmen while thanks for the invitation. :)

Ishh... I'm ugly, but that's one of the few pictures I have with myself inside. Don't wanna camwhore in front of the crowds...

Ohh.. Kimberly and Aida did wished them a happy birthday though, but they weren't joining us.

I managed to take her picture and I thought she don't know. Mana tau, she was looking at it with a ghost face... :P

The meal served, Fried Mac and Cheese... Rosemund said it's kinda filling, so I shared with Nikki. It's nice but too too too heaty... (Pimples on my face the next day.) >.<

My meal which I ordered later. Forgotten the name... Regretted, I shouldn't have ordered it, it's so damn filling and it's not that nice. Still I managed to finished it... Be smart next time. :/

Nigel and Rosemund shared their meal together, don't remember what this called also... both of them so sweet. ^^

The cake for Joey, Cheese cake from Secret Recipe I guessed.. and one more for Sam, which they haven't taken out yet...

Elly and Carmen... the two sexy girls carrying the cakes for the two birthday guys... The one Elly carrying was for Sam if I wasn't mistaken, Chocolate Cheese, from Secret Recipe also?

Okayz, haha... Whenever you celebrate your birthday in Fridayz, better make sure you don't regret, 'cause what happens will be like them. Lol, they were asked to stand on the chair and sing a specific song together.

Tomato and chili sauce bottles as mic... Joey was so happy and high... haha, sure it's fun huh?

Sam started singing... But why can't I remember they did sang anything? Maybe it's because I was concentrating on taking pictures?

President J was being asked to stand up too without reasons, and he was like, "huh?? What's going on??" Lol, just laugh and staring at both Sam and Joey... Everyone kept clapping their hands...

Rosemund, Carmen and Nikki, the 3 betul betul lengluis... Before the "trick", Sam and Joey were asked to blow the candle lights standing on the chair with a tube given and someone shouted, "Joey!! Aren't you good with "BLOWJOB"?? Blow it!! Yea yea... it's "coming" it's "coming"(candle lights were gonna blown off actually). Eww... it sounds so wrong, and these girls were shocked when they heard it, while Rosemund kept saying I'm perverted 'cause I shouted "OMG, sounds so wrong!!" Haha...

This trick should have seen often in a birthday party right? Birthday guys will be asked to pick up something from the cream without using hand but only mouth... Joey kena "successfully" with creamy face, it's Sam's turn now... Haha... he's smart enough to know what the waiter was trying to do, thus kept using hand to hold the cream plate, but...

Aiyoyo... At last kena also la. Hahahaha... Too sorry to say that, if you are celebrating birthday party with a bunch of playful and naughty friends, you can't escape... What to do? That's why I'll never ever want a birthday party like this. Hehe... Malu sangat when people stare at me. ;)

After dinner, group picture... :) Too bad, some of us left... What a happy night with them.

The girls with the two birthday guys... Starting from left: Nikki, Rosemund, Joey/Sam, Carmen, and Esther(Ah Tat's girlfriend).

And us guys... Love this picture... All my friends... :) We have made the night ^^
That's all for the awesome night :)
Happy Birthday to Same & Joey
I'll make a come back at this TIGF,
For a promise...
The Xiao Qi Gui :)
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