Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guys, Is Time To Put Down Your Self-Important

September 8th, Wednesday...

I always have a question... an unsolved question in my head about the harmonies between couple. The main problem in a relationship, I guess, is the way couple choose to be particular on each other even at small matters. Guys and girls can't manage to give up their points of views, or even self-important(especially guys), failed to control their tempers, and thus, causing conflict... >.< Okay, I know I might not have the right or qualify enough to criticize about this issues between couple, as I never been in a relationship before. Yes, you ears adjudicated precisely, I NEVER...

But, well... have you guys, I meant all the GUYS, ever thought before... how sweet and depress it was before you can get her heart moves towards you? I believe and bet all guys never failed to use all kinds of promises to swear to your beloved one. Telling her how much you love her, how bad you need her, and you can't live without her... try to remember. Have you guys been recalled? Yea, I'm sure some of you really tell the truth that you love your beloved one whole heartedly... aiks, conflicts with bad tempers are often absolutely abrupt... So how dare you act so rudely to your beloved one that you once swore?

Most of those outsiders would say conflicts and and arguments in a relationship is just so common, it's part of the process... Yet this statement seems more like a controversy to me, it's bullshit. Honestly, my major viewpoint is going against guys side. Why? I'm a guy too!!! Lol, yea... just because I'm a guy too, I would stand in the situation of guys... Within an argument, the faults are on both sides, but guys... please learn to put down your self-important and be accommodating, for the sake of loving your girl friend. Didn't you swore before?

Look, couples who learn how to appreciate their relationship are couples who have perfect harmonies. If being in a relationship is meant to fight, might as well just break up. I told myself, if ever I had a girl friend that I can love her whole heartedly, everything might not be as important as being with her anymore. As long as she's happy and satisfy, I'm willingly to be the one who sacrifices, dedicates, and accommodates... because she's my girl friend.

So guys under the heavens, whenever you are almost in a conflict with you beloved one, instead of fighting back, think twice. :) Make your temper serene, and you might find that, accommodating is only then the process in a relationship rather than arguments.

Couples around the world,
peace be with you. ^^

The Xiao Qi Gui :)


May01 said...

Dude, when u are in a relationship, u will think differently.
Right now you may think that you will do everything you could to make her happy, but sometimes when u com back moody that could cause you n her to argue too okay?

Not to forget external factors like, how your girlfriend feels insecure about how you go out with another girl or the other way round.

So many things could cause an argument,
hence I would say, argument happen is inevitable, but to resolve an argument is possible :)

Kyuo said...

u r wrong... i would made such a promise to my girl, and i would keep that promise for sure. it's only i accommodate... never will an argument ever start from my side. bcoz i'm more passionate.. :)